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Tuesday 27 February 2018

Study Of The Selected Works From Indian Writing In English

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 Name:- Kailash P. Baraiya

Subject: Indian Writing In English Pre Independence (Paper No-04)

Topic: Study Of The Selected Works From Indian Writing In English

Study: M.A. Sem -1, Year: 2016

Roll No: 17

Submitted To:
Department Of English M.K. Bhavnagar University


The phrase 'Indo Anglian' was used to describe the original creative writing in English by the Indians. Whose mother tongue is not English according to K.R.S. Iyenger there are three type of Indian writer in English first those who have acquired this entire education in English schools and universities secondly. Indians who have settled abroad but are constantly in touch with the changing surrounding and traditions of their country of adoption and finally Indians who have acquired English as a second language consequently large number of Indian were greatly moved by the genuine authentic pictures of life in India through their number writings.
Works of Indian writing in English:-
The real journey of Indian English drama begins with Michael macho Sudan dusts is this called civilization which appeared on the let literary horizon in 1871. Rabindranath Tagore and Shri Aurobindo the two great sage poet of India are the first Indian dramatist in English worth considering.

  • Major Writers of Indian Writing in English:-

  • Sri Aurobindo
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Sarojini Naidu
  • Mulk Raj Anand
  • Raja Rao
  • R.K Narayan

Shri Aurobindo:-
Shri Aurobindo original name Aurobindo. Aurobindo also spelled Aravindo, Shri also spelled Sri. Aurobindo born in august is 1872, in Calculta (Kolkata). Shri Aurobindo Ghosh ranks among the greatest personalities of modern India. He a multi-faceted genius a political revolutionary social reformer historian education its philosopher yogi and above all men of letters he is a Journalist, editor, liters critic, linguist translator essayist short story writer, dramatist and more than all of these a great poet.
K.R.S. Iyengar says that “Aurobindo was not merely a writer who happened to write in English but really an English writer”
From 1902 to 1910 Aurobindo partook in the struggle to free. India from the British raj. As a result of his political activities he was imprisoned in 1908 two years later he fled British India and found refuge in the French colony of Pondichery in himself for the rest of his life the development of his philosophy there he founded an Ashrama as international cultural center for spiritual development attracting student from all over the world.
According to Aurobindo’s dialectical theory of cosmic salvation the path to union with Brahman are two way streets or channels Enlightment come from above while the spiritual mind strives through Yogic illumination to reach upward form below when those two forces blend a gnostic individual is created that logic illumination and evenly frees the Individuality from the bonds of individuality by extension all of humanity will eventually achieve Moksha.
Aurobindo voluminous, complex and sometime chaotic literary output includes philosophical speculation,poetry, plays and the other work. Among his work are ‘The life Divine' (1939), The Human Cycle' (1949), 'The Ideal of Human Unity' (1949), 'On the Veda' (1956), 'Collected Poems and Plays' (1942), 'Essay on the Gita' (1922) The Synthesis of Yoga' (1948) and 'Savitri' a legend and a symbol (1950).
Shri Aurobindo is a skillful Craftman in the use of blank Verse and felicity in poetic expression his grand mantric and mystic style in this poetic works are ample testimony of his Stupendous achievement.
Rabindranath Tagore:-
Rabindranath Tagore,born in May 7,1861,clutter (Kolkata),India Rabindranath Tagore was a Bengali poet short story writer song composer play wright essayist and painter who was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1913. Tagore introduced new prose and verse forms and the use of colloquial language into Bengali literature. There by freeing it from traditional models bead on classical Sanskrit. he was highly influential in introducing the best of Indian culture to the west and vice versa and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist of modern India he published several books of poetry in the 1880 and completed 'Mansi' (1890), a collection that marks the maturing of hi genius it contains many in verse forms new to Bengali as well as some social and political satire that was critical of his fellow Bengalis.
In 1891 Tagore went to east to east Bengal now in Bangladesh to manage his family’s estate at Shilaidah and Shazadpur for 10 year. There he often stayed in a house boat on the Padma River, in his close contact with village folk and his sympathy for their poverty and backwardness became the keynote of much of his later writing. Most of his finest short stories which examine of his finest short stories, which examine humble lives and their small miseries date from the 1890 and have a poignancy laced with gentle and have a Poignancy, local with gentle irony ,that is u unique to him, though admirably ,captured by the Directed in latter film by the adaptations . Tagore came to the love Bengali Courtesies most of the Padma River any Offer, respected image in the Padma River, an often repeated image in his verse during this years he published several poetry collection notably 'Sonar Tari', (1892) Tagore’s poems his more than 2,000 songs which remain extremely popular among all classes of bangle of Bengali society.
In 1901 Tagore founded an experiment school is rural west Bengal at 'Santiniketan' where he sought to blend the best in the Indian and western traditions he settled permanently at the school which become visva-bhrati university in 1921. Year of sadness arising from the deaths of his wife and two children between 1902 and1907 are reflected in his later poetry which was introduced to the west in “Gitanjali”song offerings (1912) this book containing Tagore English prose translations of religious poems from several of his Bengali verse collections including Gitanjali (1910) was hailed by W.B. Yeats and Andre Gide and him the Nobel prize in 1913. Tagore was awarded a knighthood in 1915,but he repudiate it in 1919 as a protest against the Amritsar Massacre.

From 1912 Tagore spent loge periods out of India, lecturing and reading from his work in Europe the Americas and East Asia and becoming and India, lecturing and reading from his work in Europe the Americas and East Asia and becoming and eloquent spokesperson for the cause of Indian independence. Tagore’s novels, thought loss outstanding than his poems and short stories, are also worthy of attention, the best known are 'Gora' (1910 ) and 'Ghare-Baire' (1916) in the late 1920s, at nearly 70 years of age Tagore took up painting and produced works that won his place among India’s foremost contemporary artists Tagore died on august 7, 1941.

Sarojini Naidu:-
Sarojini Naidu, nee chattopadhyay born February 13, 1879, Hyderabad India. she was political activist feminist poet, writer, and the first Indian woman to be president of the Indian national congress and to be appointed an Indian state governor she was sometime called “The nightingale of India”. Sarojini Naidu led an active literary life and attracted notable Indian intellectuals to her famous salon in Bombay her First volume of poetry 'The Golden Threshold' (1912) and in 1914 she was followed by 'The Bird of Time' (1912), and in 1914 she was elected a fellow of the royal society of which she wrote in English have been published under the titles the 'Sceptred Flute' (1928) and the 'Father of the Dawn' (1961).

Mulk Raj Anand:-
Mulk Raj Anand born in December 12, 1905, Peshawar, India. He was prominent Indian author of novels short stories, and critical essays in English, who is known for his realistic and sympathetic portrayal of the poor in India. He is considered a founder of the English language Indian Novel. He became politically active in Indian’s struggle for independence and shortly there after wrote a series of diverse books on aspects of forth Asian culture including 'Persian Painting' (1932) 'The Hindu view of Art' (1933)' 'The Indian Theater' (1950) and 'Seven Little –known Birds of the Inner Eye' (1978).
R. K. Narayan :-
R.K. Narayan born in 10 October 1906. His full name is Rasipuram Krishaswami Iyer Narayansani, was an Indian writer best known for his works set in the fictional south Indian town of 'Malgudi'. He was a leading author of early Indian literature in English along with Mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao.
In a career that spanned over sixty years, Narayan received many awards and honors, including the AC Benson Medal from the royal society of literature the Padma Bhushan and the Padma vibhushan third and second highest civilian awards .He was also nominated to the Rajya sabha, the upper house of India's parliament. He died in May 13, 2001.
Raja Rao:
Raja Rao, born in November 8, 1908, Hassan, Mysore. He was among the most –significant Indian novelists writing in English during the middle decades of the 20th century. Rao wrote few of his early short stories in Kannada while studying in France he also wrote in French and English. He went on to write his major works in English. His short stories of the 1930s were collected in The cow of the Barricades' and 'Other stories' (1947). Like those stories his first novel ‘kanthapura’ (1938) , is in a largely realist vein it describes a village and resident’s in southern India through its narrator one of the villages the effects of India's Independence movement. ‘kanthapura’ is Rao's best known novel particularly outside India.
His subsequent novel took an increasingly broad focus and by 1988 one critic hazarded that Rao’s greatest achievement is the perfection of the metaphysical novel Rao’ second novel 'The Serpent and the Rope' (1960), is an autobiographical account of the narrator a young intellectual. Brahman and his wife seeking spiritual truth in India France and England. The Novel takes Rao’s first marriage and its disintegration as its subject 'The Serpent and the Rope' drew wide Praise and is considered by many critics to be his masterpiece.
Rao’s allegorical novel 'The Cat and Shakespeare: A tale of India' (1965) ,set in India , continues the themes examined in 'The Serpent and the Rape' and shows Rao, work becoming increasingly abstract comrade kirillov a short novel written prior to 'The Serpent and the Rope' but published in English. In 1976' considers communism though its portrait of the title character 'The Policeman and the Rose' (1978) collected several of his previously published short stories Rao’s last novel. the Chess Master and his Moves' (1988), is peopled by characters from various cutturs seeking their identities connected stories appear in 'On the Ganga Ghat' (1989),Rao’s nonfiction includes the meaning of India (1996), a collection of essays and speeches and 'The Great Indian way' (1998) a biography of Mohandas Gandhi.
Rao Received several of India highest honors the Padma Bhushan in 1969, a fellowship in the Sahitya Acadami, India's national academy of letters, in 1997 and the Padma vibhushan, awarded posthumously in 2007. He also won the Neustadt prize in 1988.
Indian English literature tis ever gems of Indian writing in English Indian Authors, Poets, novelists, essayists, dramatists- have been making momentous and considerable contributions to world literature since the pre – independence era, the past few years have witnessed a gigantic prospering and thriving of Indian English writing in the global market Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan, Sarojini Naidu, Toru Dutt etc are the greatest writers of Indian English literature.


Important Dramatist Of The Age Of Renaissance.

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Name:- Kailash P. Baraiya

Subject : The Renaissance Literature (Paper-1)

Topic:- Important Dramatist Of The Age Of Renaissance.

Roll No : 17

Std : M.A , Sem-1 Year -2016

Submitted To :- Professor Dr. Dilip Barad
M K Bhavnagar University

Introduction :-
The term 'renaissance' is derived from the French word meaning ‘rebirth’ because, many of the changes experienced between the 14th and 16th centuries were inspired by a revival of the classical art and intellect of ancient Greece and Rome much of the art, architecture, literature, science and philosophy that surfaced during the renaissance. Drama or plays developed more and more in during the age of 'renaissance'.
During the age of renaissance drama was developed. The word renaissance theater means the stage plays written and acted in the latest 16 the carfare during and first half of the 17th carfare during the renaissance period in England. This period in English history saw a great growth in drama as an art form and public entertainment. William Shakespeare widely thought of as the greater writer in English literature is the most famous of many important Play writes, poets and writers who worked in this Era. English renaissance drama is also called Elizabethan drama.

Dramatist of the Age :-

 William Shakespeare was the great dramatist of the age other very important dramatist was Ben Jonson, Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Middleton, John Ford, John Webster, John Lyly, Philip Massinger, Robert Greene, Thomas Dekker James Shirley and many more.
Some famous works of the Age :-
The very famous works of the age was Christopher Marlowe’s 'Dr. Faustus' (1588), 'The Jew Of Malta' (1590), Thomas Sidney 'Faerie Queen'(1-3)(1590), Kyds ‘The Spanish Tragedy' (1592), 'Jonson's ,Every Man in His Humor' and many more.

Brief note about Dramatists and his works:-

  1. William Shakespeare (1564-1616):-
William Shakespeare or born in 26 April 1564 (baptized )-23 April 1616 was an English poet, Play writes and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s per eminent dramatist he is often called England ‘s national poet and the “Bard of Avon”.
Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were primarily comedies and histories and these are regarded as some of the best work ever produced in these genres. Then he wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608. His famous tragedies like ‘Hamlet’, ‘Othello 'King Lear', and Macbeth' was considered some of the finest works in the English language. He also wrote mix literature of tragedy and comedy known as tragicomedies and also romances.
The first recorded works of Shakespeare are Richard III and the three parts of Henry VI, written in the early 1590s during a vogue for historical drama. His ‘A Mid Summer Night's Dream' is mixture of romance, fairy magic and comic low life Secures. mer Shakespeare’s next comedy the equally romantic 'Merchant of Venice'. His other works are also very famous.
  1. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1993):-
Christopher Marlowe is one of the most suggestive figures of the English Renaissance, and the greatest of Shakespeare’s predecessors Marlowe was born in Canterbury, only a few months before Shakespeare. In 1587 when he was twenty three years old he produced ‘Tamburlaine’ which brought his instant recognition in all his plays abound in violence reflecting many of the violent scenes in which he lived he develops his mighty line and depicts great scenes in magnificent bursts of poetry, such as the stage had never heard before.
In addition to the poem “Hero and Leander” Marlowe is famous for dramas now known as the Marlowesque or one man type of tragedy each revolving about one central personality who is consumed by the lust of power the first of these is 'Tamburlain' the story of timer the tartar. His second play is 'Dr. Faustus' is one of the best of Marlowe’s works the story is that scholar who lings for in finite knowledge and who turns from technology, philosophy, medicine, and low the four sciences of the time to the study of magic much as a child might turn from jewels to tinsel and colored paper Marlowe’s third play is the 'Jew of Malta' a story of the lust for wealth Marlowe's last play is 'Edward II', a tragic study of king ‘s weakness and misery.
Marlow is the only dramatist of the time who is ever compared with Shakespeare. His work is remarkable for its splendid imagination, poetic beauty,humor etc.

  1. Ben Jonson (1573 ?-1637):-
Ben Jonson is the most commanding literary figure among the Elizabethan age. For two things he fought bravely to restore. The classic form of the and Ben Jonson’s work is strong contrast with Shakespeare and of the later Elizabethan dramatists Johnson first comedy every man in his humor is a key to all his dramas. His second work is Cynthia revels and third is 'The poetaster'. Johnson’s three best known comedies are 'Volpon', 'The Alchemist' and Epicoene' or the 'Silent Woman'. Jonson also wrote two great Tragedies 'Sejanus', (1603) and Catiline' (1611). Jonson shows a strong lyric gift and some of his little poems and songs like “ The Triumph of Chairs” 'Drink to me only with Thine Eyes' and 'To the Memory of My Beloved Mother' are better known than his great dramatic works.
  1. John Webster:-
Johan Webster was well known as a dramatist under James I. his two best known plays are the white devil and the 'Duchess of Malfi’. The latter spite of its horrors, rank him as one of the greatest master of English tragedy he reproduced Italian life of the sixteenth century in his work.
  1. Thomas Middleton (1570? -1627)
Middleton is best known two great plays that is 'The Changeling' and 'Women Beware Women'. His two plays 'A Trick to Catch the Old One' this is his best comedy. Fair Quarrel' is his earliest tragedy this tragedy is less mature in thought and expression, but more readable' because they seem to express, Middleton’s own idea of the drama rather than that of the corrupt court and playwrights of his later age.
  1. John Ford (1586 -1642?)
John ford have left us little of permanent literary value and their works are read only by those rice and fall of the drama. An occasional scene in ford’s plays is as strong as anything that the Elizabethan age produced, but as a whole the plays are unnatural and tiresome his best play is the broken heart (1633).

  1. Philip Massinger
Philip Massinger (1584-1640) was a dramatic poet of great natural ability. But his plots and situations are usually so strained and artificial that the modern reader finds no interest in then in his best comedy ‘A New Way to Pay old Debts', he archived great popularity and gave us one Figure, Sir Giles over reach, which is one of the typical characters of the English stage. His best plays are The Great Duke of Florence', The Virgin martyr', and The maid of Honor’.
  1. Thomas Dekker
Thomas Dekker is in pleasing contrast with most of the dramatists of the time. We will find the best expression of Dekker's personality and erratic genius in his work 'The Shoemaker's Holiday' and ‘Old Fortunatus’ a fairy drama of the wishing hat and no end of money.

  1. Thomas Heywood (1508?-1650?)
Thomas Heywood wrote many drama to the glory of that drama. He contributed, according to his own statement, the greater part, at least of nearly two hundred and twenty plays it was enormous amount of work. but he seems to have been animated by the modern literary spirit of following the best market and striking while the best plays are 'A Woman Killed with Kindness' a pathetic story of domestic life and The Fair Maid of the West' a melodrama with plenty of fighting of the popular kind.
  1. Deaumont and Fletcher
Deaumont and Fletcher are only scholars who attempt to separate there work so as to give each writer his clue share. Unlike most of the Elizabethan dramatist, they both come from noble and cultured families and were university trained there work in strong contrast with Jonson’s. This two dramatist met at the mermaid tavern under Ben Jonson’s leader ship and soon become inseparable friends living and working together. Tradition has it that Beaumont supplied that judgment and the solid work of the play, while fletcher furnished the high colored sentiment and lyric poetry, without which an Elizabethan play would have been incomplete of joint plays the two best known that are 'Philasater', “Cymbelin and Griselala” and The Maid’s Tragedy'.

A few words more in the base of my reading. I must unfold that the Elizabethan drama was popular due to some giant as well as move rick dramatists like Shakespeare, Jonson, Marlowe and Webster etc. And also Elizabethan theater has played very significant role in developing the drama. Therefore Elizabethan Age can be considered as golden period of the age of renaissance become of such height of drama as it was on the pick.