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Thursday 6 April 2017

Limitations of Cultural Studies.

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Name: Kailash P. Baraiya
Study: M.A.
Roll no: 10, Paper: 08
Batch: 2016-2018
Enrolment No: 2069108420170001
Subject: - the cultural studies
Topic: Limitations of Cultural Studies.
Submitted To: Pro. Dr. Dilip Barad, Department of English, M.K. Bhavnagar University

 What is cultural studies?

                   The word ‘culture' itself is so difficult to pin down,  'ciltural studies' is hard to define. As was also the case in chapter 8 with Ealing showalter's 'cultural' modal of feminine difference, 'cultural studies' is not so much a discrete approach at all, but rather a set of practices. As Patrick Branlinger has pointed out, cultural studies is not 'a tightly coherent, unified movement with a fixed agenda, 'but a loosely coherent group of tendencies issues and questions'. Arising from the social turmoil of the 1960s, cultural studies is composed of following element like:

Ø Marxism
Ø Post Structuralism
Ø Post Modernism
Ø Feminism
Ø Gender Studies
Ø Feminism
Ø Anthropology
Ø Sociology
Ø Race
Ø  Ethnic Studies
Ø Post-Colonial Studies

                     Those fields that concentrate on social and cultural forces that either create community or cause division and alienation. For example, drawing from Roland Barthes on  the nature of literary language and Claude Levi-Strauss on arthropology, cultural studies was influenced by structuralism and post-structuralism. Jacques Derrida’s 'deconstruction' of the word-text distinction like all his deconstructions of hierarchical opposition, has urged or enabled- cultural to erase or the boundaries between high and low culture, classic and popular literary texts and literature and other cultural discourses that following Derrida, may be seen as manifestation of the same texuality.
              The discipline of psychology has also entered the field of cultural studies. For example, Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory of the unconscious structured as a language promoted emphasis upon language and promoted emphasis symbolic system, from Michel Foucault came the notion that power is a whole complex of forces it is that which produces what happens. A tyrannical wield power but is empowered by discourse accepted ways of thinking writing and speaking-and practise that embody exercise and amount to power. from punishment to sexual mores, foucult’s 'genealogy' of topics includes many things excluded by traditional historians, from architectural blue prints for prisons to memories of deviants'. Psychoanalytic structuralism approaches are treated elsewhere in this Handbook, in the present chapter we review cultural studies, connections with Marxism, the new historicism, multiculturalism, postmodernism popular culture and post-colonial studies before moving on to our group of six literary works. 

There Is a Five Types of Cultural Studies:-
Five Types of Cultural Studies:
1)   British Cultural Materialism
2)   New Historicism
3)   American Multiculturalism
4)   Post Modernism and Popular Culture
5)   Post-Colonial Studies 

In my assignment I am focusing on limitations of culture studies.

                   The weakness of cultural studies is in its very strengths, particularly he emphasis upon diversity of approach and subject matter. Cultural Studies can at times seem merely am intellectual smorgasbord in which the critic blithely combines artful helpings of texts and objects and then 'finds' deep connection between them, without adequately researching what a culture means or how cultures have interacted. To put it bluntly, cultural studies is not always fuelled by the kind of hard research that historians have traditionally practiced to analyse 'culture'. Cultural studies practitioners often know a lot of interesting things and      possess the intellectual ability to play them off interestingly against each other, but they sometime lack adequate knowledge of the 'deep play' of a meaning or  'thick description' of a culture that ethnographer clifford Geertz identified in his studies of the Balinese. Sometimes students complain that professors who overemphasize cultural studies tend to downplay the necessity of reading the classics, and that they sometime coerce students into 'politically correct' views.

               David Richter describes cultural studies as about whatever is happing at the moment, rather than about a body of texts created in the past.  'Happening’ topics’, generally speaking are the mass media themselves, which in s postmodern culture, dominate the cultural lives of its inhabitants, or topics that have been velarized by the mass media. But he goes on to observe that is this seems trivial, the strength of cultural studies is its “ relentlessly critical altitude toward journalism, publishing cinema, television, and other forms of mass media, whose seeming transparent windows through which we view reality probably constitute the most blatant and pervasive mode of false consciousness of era. If we are tempted to dismiss popular culture, it is also worth remembering that when works like hamlet or huckleberry Finn were written, they were not intended for elite discussions in English classrooms, but exactly for popular consumption.

         Defenders of traditions and advocates of cultural studies are waging what is sometimes called the 'culture wars' of academia. On the one hand are offered impassioned defences of humanism as the foundation, since the of the ancient Greeks of western civilization and modern democracy. On the other hand, as Marxist theorist Terry Eagleton has written, the current crisis in the humanities can be seen as a failure of the humanities, this body of discourses about imperishable values has demonstrably negated those very values in its practise.

           Whatever the emphasis, cultural studies makes available one more approach –and several methodologies to address these questions.

Limitations of cultural studies:-

1.   Diversity of approach and subject matter:-
                    The weakness of cultural studies lies in its strengths, particularly its emphasis upon diversity of approach and subject matter cultural studies can at times seen merely an intellectual smorgasbordin which the critic a lithely combines artful helping of texts and objects and then 'finds' deep connections between them without adequately researching what a culture means or how cultures have interacted.

     2. Not fueled by hard research:-

        Cultural studies are not always filed by hard researcher i.e. historians have traditionally practiced to analyse ‘culture ‘which includes scientifically collected data

3. lack of knowledge:-
             Cultural study practitioners often know a lot of interesting things and possess the intellectual ability to play them off interestingly against each other but they sometime lack adequate knowledge  of 'deep play' of meaning or  'thick description' of a culture that ethnographer Clifford Geertz identified in has studies of the Balinese. 

                 In the essay of Geertz uses 'deep play' word for the cockfight which is illegal is his society. He explains as a context of British philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1948-1832),Who defines 'deep play' as a game with risks high that no rational person would engage in it. The amounts of money involved in the cockfight makes Balinese cockfight 'deep play'.
                And another words 'thick description' is used in the field of anthropology, sociology religious studies and human and organizational  development. The 'thick description, of culture means it’s not just explaining what culture is about also refers that in which contex the meaning is developed.

       4.  Necessity or reading the classics:-

            Sometimes students complain that professors who overemphasize cultural studies tend to Downplay the necessity of reading the classes and that they sometimes coerce students into 'politically correct' views.    

      5. Whatever is happening at the moment:-

            David Richter describes culture as '-about whatever is happening at the moment' rather than about post body of texts crated in the past.

              'Happening' topics, generally speaking, are the mass media themselves, which, in a postmodern culture, dominate the culture lives on its inhabitants, or topics that have been valorises by the mass media.
               But he goes to  observe that if this seems trival, the strength of cultural studies its “relentlessly critical altitude toward journalism, publishing, cinema, television, and other forms of mass media, whose seemingly transparent windows through which we view 'reality' probably constitute the most blatant and pervasive made of false consciousness the most  blatant and pervasive mode of false consciousness of our era”.

6. Tempted to dismiss popular culture:-
         If we are tempted to dismiss popular culture,  it is also worth remembering that when then works like Hamlet or Huckleberry Finn were written, they were not intended for elite discussions in English classrooms but exactly for popular consumption.  

7.  'Culture Wars' of academia:-

             Defenders of tradition and advocates of cultural studies are waging what is sometimes called the 'culture wars' of academia.

               On the one hand, as Marxist theorist terry Eagleton has written, the current 'crises' in the humanities can be seen as failure of the humanities can be seen as failure the humanities this 'body of discourses' about imperishable values has demonstrably negated those very values in its practices.
            On the other hand are offered impassioned defences of humanism as the foundation, since the time of the ancient Greeks of western civilization and modern democracy.


               Whatever the emphasis, cultural studies makes available one more approach –and several methodologies to address these questions.

       Source: Net and Text   

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